Tap Into Success

Tap into Success


This exercise would suit anyone who is aiming for a goal – like a new job, improving something in your life or a resolution to a challenge. It can be used for any goal you have that you really want.

You will need a pack of coloured pens, paper and the tapping sequence

Start by drawing on a piece of plain paper whatever comes out when you think about your goal – it could be pictures, symbols, words – make it as colourful as you can. It doesn’t have to be ‘good’ artwork and make sure you draw without thinking about it

When you have nothing left to draw, give the picture a title, rate it for how it makes you feel (see scale below).  Next use the Energy Tapping sequence, saying the title you have chosen out loud as you tap on each point (you can also add the word ‘energy’ at the end to boost effectiveness)

Carry on for two or three rounds and check the scale for where you are at. 

When you are a +7 or above you may wish to create a positive statement that sums up the feeling of success you have created.

Tap daily (2-3 rounds) to help you to program your brain to achieve your goal (you may also wish to carry the picture around with you).

If you are new to tapping, start with my How to Tap video

Emotional Scale

Sue Scale EFT image of a sliding scale